GASLESS Project triggers Initial Investments

GASLESS project has significantly contributed to the successful energy retrofit of 20 public buildings, which will be carried out between 2024 and 2025. The Energy Performance Contract has been awarded to the ESCO Aura Energy Srl following a joint tender procedure managed by SCR Piemonte, involving 6 municipalities in the Piedmont Region (Borgofranco d’Ivrea, Nichelino, Piossasco, Venaria Reale, Chieri, and Bra). The tender procedure was launched because a previous one, involving the same beneficiaries/buildings, did not receive any bids at the end of 2023. This investment package, fully aligned with the objectives of the GASLESS project, was prepared thanks to a previous project called Stepping Plus. To ensure the involved public authorities were not left without support and to seize the opportunity to renovate such a significant number of buildings, the GASLESS consortium decided to support the bundling of public authorities and relaunch a tender procedure with the same conditions, inviting potential ESCOs to submit their best technical and economic offers. 

The offer received from Aura Energy Srl outlines a primary energy savings level of 440 toe, equivalent to savings of over 67% of the buildings’ historical consumption. Overall, approximately 9 million euros will be invested in energy efficiency. 

The proposed interventions are particularly interesting. Each of the 20 buildings will undergo significant retrofitting of the building-system.

Most of the buildings are schools, and the proposed interventions will include:

– 5,300 square meters of window replacement

– 19,500 square meters of thermal insulation

– 13,000 square meters of horizontal surface insulation

– 831 cubic meters of wall cavity insulation

– The renovation of 8 heating plants

– The installation of 19 photovoltaic systems for a total of 639 kWp

– 3 buildings will achieve NZEB performance (Nearly Zero Energy Building).

Now begins the phase of the executive design of the interventions, in which the GASLESS project will limit itself to a supervisory role. 

The situation has demonstrated the real importance of having a facilitation structure like the one created under the GASLESS project. It is clear that such a structure should be available to meet the needs of ongoing activities towards the energy transition, providing concrete support to public authorities in the region.