On 13 and 14 June, two events of RECROSSES, the project co-financed by the Interreg ALCOTRA 2021/2027 Programme, coordinated by Environment Park, were held in Nice.

On 13 June the project was presented and promoted within the fourth edition of “Assises Azuréennes de la Transition Énergétique”, an event organized by the project partner la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Nice Cote d’Azur, in which economic, institutional and business actors gathered to discuss and share their commitment to the energy transition.

On 14 June, then, the third project COPIL was held where all partners met in Nice, at the headquarters of the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Nice Cote d’Azur, to organize the work of the coming months.

RECROSSES intends to contribute to the decarbonisation of the territory ALCOTRA, through the instrument of the Renewable Energy Communities (REC), which will encourage the installation of new renewable energy plants by local public authorities, private citizens, associations, third sector entities and SMEs.

To learn more about the project and its objectives, this video!

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